Thursday, January 28, 2010

KA-POW! #15 - Carkuff

This week's “Kick-Ass Post O’th’ Week” (KA-POW) goes to Doug Carkuff for “Neither Left Nor Right: Of Liberty And Libertarians” :

The central libertarian principle is the principle of nonaggression. Taken to its logical conclusions it pretty much covers everything that is the cause of so much consternation in the life of our society. You would think that no one could possibly have a problem with this principle, but many people do. In order for the nonaggression principle to mean anything you have to believe you own yourself and, by extension, that you own the fruits of your endeavors. For any statist/collectivist self-ownership is conditional. In other words, you only own yourself to the extent society says you own yourself which is really the same as saying you don’t own yourself at all. You can make the decisions about your life that society/the state says you can make. Ultimately and inescapably, in the statist’s view, society/the state owns everything and anything you own, including yourself — you only own conditionally.

“Spectral Shadows”

The naked trees stood in a craggy group...

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Friday, January 22, 2010

KA-POW! #14 - Mises

This week's “Kick-Ass Post O’th’ Week” (KA-POW) goes to Ludwig von Mises for “Free Banking and Contract Law” :

It is a fable that governments interfered with banking in order to restrict the issue of fiduciary media and to prevent credit expansion. The idea that guided governments was, on the contrary, the lust for inflation and credit expansion. They privileged banks because they wanted to widen the limits drawn to credit expansion by conditions prevailing on the unhampered market or because they were eager to open to the treasury a source of revenue.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

“Who is Mendacious Smith?”

Mendacious Smith has an endearing smile...

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Loquacious Lingo

Mendacious Smith (men·dā’·shǝs smith) n., Slang. – a politician; esp. a pejorative for an official of the national government: That Mendacious Smith was on the boob tube last night claiming that violating my liberties was for my ‘own good’. [poss. cynical deriv. from film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington]

Friday, January 15, 2010

KA-POW! #13 - Chodorov

This week's “Kick-Ass Post O’th’ Week” (KA-POW) goes to Frank Chodorov for “Does the State Protect Us?” :

Since Society puts so high a value on independence from a foreign State, it should not demur at the cost of maintaining this independence. One must pay for what one wants. However, when we examine the most approved method of financing war we find that it is based on a general reluctance to foot the bill. Every war is fought with current production — there is no way of shooting off guns that have not yet been made or of feeding soldiers with food that will be raised by the next generation — and in a real sense every war is conducted on a pay-as-you-fight basis.

The economic consequence of the most approved method of financing wars is that a lien on the future production of the nation is established, and nearly always it is a permanent lien. ...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Johnson Sandwich

Since the District of Columbia is the seat...

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Truth in Propaganda

The U.S. Treasury issued a series of quarter-dollar coins...

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Friday, January 8, 2010

KA-POW! #12 - Smith

This week's “Kick-Ass Post O’th’ Week” (KA-POW) goes to George F. Smith for “The Long Shadow of Frédéric Bastiat” :

Tocqueville described the situation [of France in 1848]: "The truth — the deplorable truth — is that a taste for holding office and a desire to live on the public money is not with us a disease restricted to either party, but the great, chronic ailment of the whole nation; the result of the democratic constitution of our society and of the excessive centralization of our Government; the secret malady which undermined all former governments, and which will undermine all governments to come."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

"A Christmas Offering"

Once upon a time, there was a wonderer...

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Scrooge Was Not ‘The Dickens’

Charles Dickens evidently intended to make...

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